Gima Luxury Watches- Invest in time - Created by

Welcome to a world of timeless elegance.

Welcome to a world of timeless elegance.

GIMA is a brand that focuses on creating luxury timepieces for the man of quality. With the slogan “Invest in Time” we want to show the significance of cherishing precious moments. Our watches go beyond being mere accessories and embody a timeless style.

Gima Luxury Watches- Invest in time - Created by
Feel it on your wrist
Discover the watches from The Marble Elegance Collection.
A Timeless Timepiece
The Marble Elegance - The Orignal.

This noble stone, formed through the metamorphosis of limestone under intense heat and pressure, has been cherished for thousands of years for its unique patterns and vibrant colors.

The history of marble dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, where it was used for monumental sculptures, temples, and palaces, such as the David and the Pieta of Michelangelo.

Over the centuries, marble has continued to fascinate due to its durability, versatility, and timeless aesthetic.
The process of quarrying and crafting marble is an ancient craft. Marble is typically extracted in quarries, where massive blocks are hewn from the earth.

These blocks are then transported to workshops, where they are cut, polished, and shaped into various products, ranging from sculptures to floor tiles and, of course, our watch dials.

One of the most revered and recognizable types of marble is Bianco Carrara, sourced from the Carrara quarries in Italy. This marble is renowned for its bright white color and fine grain, making it a favorite choice for both classic and modern designs.

At GIMA, we recognize white Bianco Carrara marble as the original and most renowned marble. That's why we've given the name "The Original" to the watch featuring this white stone. With the timeless and luxurious appearance of marble and steel, The Marble Elegance collection was also created.

The Elegance Of Jade.
The Brazil Pride.

Amazon jadeite, also known as Brazilian jade, originates from the Amazon rainforest region of Brazil, one of the world's most biodiverse areas.

This variant of jadeite is characterized by its enchanting green hues, ranging from vibrant emerald to deep forest green, and is prized for its exceptional translucency and luster.

The rich cultural heritage of the Amazon region is intertwined with the folklore of Amazon jadeite, as it played a central role in rituals and traditions passed down through generations.

Despite its growing popularity, Amazon jadeite remains relatively rare, with mining operations carefully managed to preserve the ecological balance of the Amazon rainforest.

As awareness of environmental conservation grows, efforts are being made to ensure sustainable practices in the extraction and trade of Amazon jadeite, safeguarding both the precious gemstone and the delicate ecosystem from which it originates.

Just as marble is a natural stone, jadeite is a gemstone. With an 8 on the MOHS scale. It can only be mined in places where tectonic plates have shifted over each other and is found in large blocks inside rocks and stones, or in very small quantities in rivers.

Jadeite has a rich history and has been known since B.C. times in Asia. In many cultures, it is believed that jade has healing powers and affects health, wealth, prosperity, positivity, and luck. There are, of course, variations based on where it is mined. For instance, Imperial jade is the royal stone of China, and Siberian Jade is the most precious. We work with Brazilian jade, which is the one of the rarest among the types.

People talk about us
Wiebe van der Schee
Before GIMA i was not known with watches what so ever. But the quality of the watch GIMA brings is an absolute must have. Since GIMA i bought a few watches and i'm enjoying each one of them.